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Urinary Tract Infection Specialist

RJM Medical Services

Jose M Rodriguez, MD

Urology located in Jackson Heights, NY

When bacteria invades your urinary system, you develop a urinary tract infection (UTI). Usually, it starts with a bladder infection, but without treatment, the infection can travel to your kidneys and become a very serious (and painful) problem. At RJM Medical Services in Jackson Heights, New York, caring urologist Jose Rodriguez, MD, has over 50 years of experience treating UTIs and all of the related problems. He uses today’s latest technology and procedures to help you recover fast. Schedule your appointment using the online booking tool or call the office today.

Urinary Tract Infection Q & A

What is a urinary tract infection?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection affecting your bladder, kidneys, urethra, ureters, or prostate (in men). Bladder infection (cystitis) and urethra infection (urethritis) are the most common urinary tract infections. Kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, is less common but can happen if your initial UTI isn’t treated.

How can I tell if I have a urinary tract infection?

A urinary tract infection usually has telltale signs, such as:

  • Pain in your lower abdomen, pelvis, or lower back
  • Pain when you urinate
  • Burning when you urinate
  • Increased urinary frequency
  • Increased urinary urgency
  • Urinating only small amounts
  • Urine has a strong odor
  • Cloudy-looking urine
  • Pink or red urine (blood in urine)
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting

It's common to have multiple symptoms, so it's important to reach out for help before your UTI grows more severe. 

How does my doctor diagnose a urinary tract infection?

At RJM Medical Services, Dr. Rodriguez discusses your symptoms with you and performs a physical exam. He uses a variety of diagnostic tests, including urinalysis, urine culture, urodynamic testing, and ultrasound imaging, to diagnose your urinary tract infection. He may also perform a cystoscopy, a minimally invasive procedure that allows direct imaging of your bladder if needed. 

How can I treat a urinary tract infection at home?

Home treatment won’t work for urinary tract infections because you need to get rid of the bacteria before it travels into your kidneys and makes everything far worse. Dr. Rodriguez is a UTI expert who specializes in effective treatment using antibiotics. He prescribes an antibiotic that's best for killing the particular type of bacteria causing your urinary tract infection. 

There are several different approaches for antibiotics, but the most common is a two- or three-day (or possibly longer) course of medication. Take all of the medication, even though you'll probably feel much better within a day or two. Finishing the medication ensures that all the harmful bacteria are destroyed and prevent the infection from recurring. 

If you have chronic urinary tract infections, you may need long-term daily antibiotics. Typically, you take these low-dose drugs for several months or more. If your UTIs always happen after sex, you may need to take doses of antibiotics whenever you have sex.

Get UTI relief now by calling RJM Medical Services or booking online.