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Low Testosterone Specialist

RJM Medical Services

Jose M Rodriguez, MD

Urology located in Jackson Heights, NY

About one in four American men over the age of 30 has low testosterone. When you’re experiencing problems like reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and poor energy levels, see supportive urology expert Jose Rodriguez, MD, at RJM Medical Services in Jackson Heights, New York, for testing and treatment. Dr. Rodriguez can help you regain sexual vitality and health, so call the office or use online scheduling now.

Low Testosterone Q & A

What does it mean if I have low testosterone?

If you have low testosterone, your testicles aren't producing the level of testosterone you need to be healthy. A general guideline for low testosterone is a blood testosterone level under 300 ng/dL. But your exact testosterone level is only half the equation when it comes to low testosterone. A low blood testosterone level isn’t necessarily a problem if you don’t have any symptoms or health problems because of it. 

Dr. Rodriguez considers your symptoms carefully. If you have both low testosterone blood levels and troublesome symptoms, you may be diagnosed with low testosterone. Depending on your background and health, you may also need imaging tests and genetic studies to accurately diagnose low testosterone.

What symptoms can low testosterone levels cause?

Low testosterone levels can cause symptoms such as:

  • Reduced libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of energy
  • Reduction of body hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increase in fat
  • Chronic fatigue

If your testosterone levels are low, it could also affect your bone density, possibly leaving you at risk for fractures. 

What is the most effective low testosterone treatment?

There are a few different ways to bring your testosterone levels up and decrease your symptoms. Dr. Rodriguez recommends the option that's right for you. Some of the choices include:

Testosterone injections

Testosterone injections are deep muscle injections that you typically have around twice a month. You can learn to administer your own injections at home or Dr. Rodriguez can perform them on-site at RJM Medical Services.

Topical testosterone

Topical testosterone comes in both gel and patch form. You simply apply the gel or patch to the skin each day and it gradually seeps into your blood. 

Buccal medications

Buccal medications are small tablets that you place between your gums and cheek. Your saliva slowly breaks the tablet down so it's absorbed into your body. 

There may also be other delivery methods available, like injectable pellets. If you have low testosterone because of or partly due to a systemic disease like diabetes, Dr. Rodriguez works with you (and your disease specialist, if needed) to make sure your underlying condition is well controlled. This may be enough to regulate your testosterone levels naturally, but if it’s not helpful there are plenty of great replacement options.

Low testosterone can happen as early as your 30s, so take control as soon as you notice a problem. Call RJM Medical Services or use online booking today.